famous artist painting


 3 famous oil painting in the World

Mona Lisa.

Artist name. Leonardo DA Vince

Estimate date. 1503 to 1519


Mona Lisa oil painting on sap popular wood panel by Leonardo DA Vince probably the word most famous painting Leonardo DA Vince between 15003 and 15 06 is one of the most famous and situated work of art in history  key detail about the content of significance the painting is believe to depict Lisa give a merchant that is why it is also now as law new Golconda set against a landscape the protect embodies Renaissance  Idol beauty and monism cinematic nature has inspired counties  commenting its status as an enduring of art history .

   The last super.


            Artist name . Leonardo DA Vince    

           Estimate  date 1495 to 1498       

the last suffer painted by Leonardo Vince between 1495 and 1498 is a the most renowned at works in western history the painting defects DE movement during the last Superman jives announce that one of his discipline with between him each apostolic reaction of juice is announcement is div idly capture showcasing in range of emotion the arrangement of the figures and the architect elements in the Give sense of spaciousness and depth enhancing the overall impact this last super stand as a testament of Leonardo DA Vince performed impact n art capturing a movement of deep religious and emotional and paralleled skill inside.     

  Starry night.

Artist name. Vincent Van Gog.

date. 1889

   starry night is a famous painting by the Dutch post Impressions artist Vincent Van goth created in 1889 IT defects are night sky filled up swelling cloud stars ablaze with their own lumen sense and bright crescent moon blow the railing energy of the sky then is a quit town and large dark cry press tree in the fragrance the painting tree in the background the painting is renewed for its bored expressive brush frock and vibrant use of color capturing the Tubular and emotion vein Gog h now for starry night is house in the museum of Modern Art in New York city is the one of the most recognize it and reproduced at work in the world.

