painting rules

 oil painting rules you must be anderstand.  

painting rules.

      Many so called rule of art are more suggestions that rule .it help full to know that the color you paint is helpful to you or not. However when i come for painting there are three rule  you are understand and chose it better .

1.fat over Leon

2.thick over thin

3.slow drawing over slow fasting.

why this oil painting rule you flow!

oil painting rule are last much longer .if you don't follow them in these three rules  your painting are granted and poor.

Rule 1.fat and Leon.

This rule applies  you might put into oil paint .Active fall into two basic  solvent and oil line oil softer oil and liquid oil make our paint smooth and brush able.

when you add oil painting to paint resulting mixture said to be fat

When you add any kind of solvent paint resulting mixture said to be


So the phrase just mean to you by understand that the colors of fat and Leon that the craft of your painting is the main thing did you understand then your painting are Good.


2.thicky over thin.

 Paint are apply on canvas In any number of ranging very thin Lear to very thick Lear.

Because oil painting must not be  Dry By water base. The water base Of thick layer paint are not properly usage to consider then the painting all the way through It Feel  dry pot Of add thin layer.

 Or do all the layers Thin that thick you must be stand to consider that

The painting of defective and ambiguous.

3.slow drying Over fast drying.

Some colors are lot a times to dry and some are easy to dry. It is best to big a color or more quickly and finish with color dry more slowly. Or maximum some Medium to you later leyer So they can take long time .

If you can paint a Ala Prima painting in you start and finish painting all the same but without painting layers.

Plain air painting .since the paint at well at the same time to drying at the same time  there are not  layer at different stages of color painting .As long as you can understand 3painting rule your painting Will do Just fine  .............

;; good luck and happy painting........'''

